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Main Line Homes From $3,719-$5,645 a Month

Mary Beth Hurtado

When you get to know me, Mary Beth Hurtado, your Main Line Real Estate Agent, you will quickly notice that I love people and houses...

When you get to know me, Mary Beth Hurtado, your Main Line Real Estate Agent, you will quickly notice that I love people and houses...

Oct 19 1 minutes read

Everyone has their monthly budget breakdowns for their households.

We often hear that the determining factor for purchasing a home boils down to the monthly mortgage payment.

For those of you with a bottom line between $3,719-$5,645 a month, these are the homes (in the Lower Merion, Radnor and T/E School Districts) we think you can’t miss. 

If you don’t see a home you are interested in, let us know! We have tons of homes available throughout the  Main Line area with similar monthly payments. 

*These mortgage payment projections do not include taxes, insurance or PMI. Numbers reflect 10% down, at a 4.25 interest rate, for a 30-year fixed mortgage. For more accurate payment information, schedule a time to chat with us here